Berkeley Premium Nutraceutical

Health & Medicine

My husband asked for the free sample of advlmil for the price of 4.95. He was them offered a free sample of enzyte for the same price and he excepted.

He made it clear he only wanted the sample products and would let them know if he wanted to try more of the products. A few weeks went by and we received a bottle of enzyte and another month supply of Advlmil.

We called them and were told it was put in the system wrong and would be issued a refund, I am still trying to reach them by phone with no luck. We are out of $130.00, I am send a letter to my bank to see if they can help.

Company: Berkeley Premium Nutraceutical
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Cincinnati
Address: P.O. Box 42635
Phone: 8668341715
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Lifekey Healthcare - Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals
Lifekey Healthcare/Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals ripoff, deceptive, mis-leading, scam artists, advertisement is a total scam

Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals - Altovis, Avlimil, Enzyte, Ogoplex, Rogisen and O
Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals Ripoff & deceiptful! Will not refund money! Products they sell include Altovis, Avlimil, Enzyte, Ogoplex, Rogisen and Ovicid. Will post invald rebuttal!

Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals
Ripoff, fraudulent billing, stealing, poor customer service, dishonest, scam, false advertising, fraud

Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals
Ripoff With Deceptive Advertising Practices. Ripoff OH

Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals - Lifekey - Enzyte
Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals Inc., Lifekey Healthcare, Enzyte rip-off! Free 30 day sample cost $70 if you don't cancel within 25 days

Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals - Altovis - Avlimil - Enzyte
Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals (Altovis, Avlimil, Enzyte etc.) rip-offs!

Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals - ALTOVIS -ENZYTE - AVLIMIL - OGOPLEX - ROGISEN -ROVICID
Berkeley Premimun Nutraceuticals, Altovis, Enzyte, AVLIMIL, OGOPLEX, ROGISEN, ROVICID rip-off!

Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals
Boland Natuals, Lifekey Healthcare, LifeKey, Wagner Nutraceuticals, Wagner Pharmaceuticals, Warner Health Care, Enzyte and Avlimil are all rip-offs!

Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals - Avlimil
Not free! Ripoff

Berkeley Nutraceunticals, Enzyte
Fraudulent billing for products not ordered