Apria Healthcare
Never ending billing. New charges keep popping up over and over again! What is this?

Health & Medicine

My husband was put on oxygen back in August.in June my husband was no longer needing the oxygen, so his doctor called Apria and discontinued it. All of our billing from this company was current.

Once the equipment was picked up by them, then strange charges started appearing on subsequent monthly statements. I contacted them along with our private insurance provider to find out about these charges that changed everytime they sent a new statement.

I had a conference call with the insurance provider and a billing representative from Apria by the name of Carolyn on September 13. I was told that Carolyn was the person to speak with regarding insurance related payment disputes.

The conclusion of the conference call boiled down to my husband owing $33.71 and nothing more would be due from us on this account. I mailed the payment of the above amount. The payment was processed, I have the cancelled check. The above amount was all that we owed and was stated twice on the phone by Carolyn and witnessed by the insurance company representative named Kay, and probably recorded by either one or both.

Everything was fine until we received another bill from Apria stating that we owed another $31.06 for something back in October that the insurance company had been billed for originally. But it was billed too late according to Kay from the insurance company to have to pay Apria. So, the insurance company actually owes them according to their agreement with Apria not us.

I don't know what you call this, but I'm sick of dealing with these people and I'm so angry at them that I have decided to go on a crusade! What about those poor people that can't think straight, on oxygen, and end up having to deal with these sort of people? I tried to call their billing office today, but, guess what? They're on Thanksgiving vacation. Someone needs to look into their billing practices big time! I think there may be some legal definitions within the context this complaint. Someone may need some legal counsel.

Company: Apria Healthcare
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Jackson
Address: 1328 S Highland Ave
Phone: 8668384762
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