Medical Products Online
MPO, This company comits federal fraud and using my name and articals including products created by me to make money. Give out incorrect medical advice as well

Health & Medicine

This company is a Fraud! I also contacted the Attorney General office in CT, DE, NY, CA, TX, and FL so far. The FDA for selling level II and III products and only getting a scrip for maybe 2 out of 100. I contact the IRS about buy products rather than taking payroll and not paying proper personal and corporate taxes.

Also: BBB in those states using CT BBB as reference. D&B and gave them the companies calling me for non-payment. I also let many org. Know about your fraud with a ward of the courts Mike using 5 examples the biggest is 20 to 30K on shipping to DHL. Also contacted the AMA and Bar on both of you.

I am just starting and will continue every week. I have written articles using Article Spinner. This product goes to blog after blog about and webpages. Everyone has the name of the emps for taking orders without script and giving advice without a HIPPA document and the company not approved to be a DME. I am calling Mikes Boss Monday, and will keep trying to have you arrested for selling Level II products without FDA and HHS approval.

All the people asso. With MPO will have to answer to the government for their actions. Attached is my complaint for the internet which states in detail the above and everyone involved. I will not stop till you take my products and name off. Also am doing the same for TS next week with same contacts and information. You have even committed Mail Fraud!!!

I will be suing everyone for their actions and the use of my property. You have no Idea how much hot water youre in. Remember Larry owner of LG when to jail for just selling the products (6) years. Again this is just the start. Creating press release on all of the above and so much more.

Company: Medical Products Online
Country: USA
Address: 132 Federal Road
Phone: 2037900011
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Medical Products Online Inc
They are using my name and articals including products created by me to make money for themself

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