Rip-off/horrible customer service

Health & Medicine

I contacted this company on August 15 based on a television advertisement regarding weight-loss and control of diabetes. I ordered this supplement on a trial bases for $11.80 on my credit card and was told I had 30 days to try if I didn't want to keep the membership I could cancel by September15. I took it a few times and didn't notice any changes and I consulted my physician and was told it was not advised for me to continue usage.

I contacted Glucosolin the week of September 4th spoke with Kiley and was told to she would stop shipments and charges to my credit card. I reinterated with her that I would not be charged any further beyond the $11.80 and she said yes but all the while attempting to convience me to take the supplement regardless of what my physician advised.

On September 16 I was charged the $99.96 on my credit card and I called again and spoke with John who was very billigerant and horriable on the phone he advised that Kiley noted that she advised to to try it again and call back before the 15th to cancel he went on to say that the call with Kiley was recorded and a superviser will listen to it to determine what Kiley told me. He claims that would take 14 days I asked to speak with a supervisor and he refused to put one on the phone and eventually hung up on me.

I called my bank to dispute the charge and I called back to Glucosulin about 3 days later and spoke with Katey when was basically saying the same thing John said however she was able to get a supervisor to listen to the call immediately I was put on hold for this. Upon them listening to the call I was told that Kiley told me to call back by the 15th and since I didn't I forfeited by money. I was livid at this point and asked to listen to the call myself she then played the call for me and approximately 1/3 of the way through she hung up the line. She called back and I advised I no longer chose to play their game and I would be seeking legal advise.

These people and this company are nothing but thieves, they are out to RIP-OFF consumers and when a person exercises their right to change their mind about there product they refuse to refund your money and try to keep charging your credit card. A word to the wise PLEASE DONT ORDER GLUCOSULIN EVER!!!

Company: Glucosulin
Country: USA
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Glucosulin Weight loss supplement Glucosulin is a Rip Off do not deal with these people


Natural Health NetWork Another Scann Company

Health Resource Ordered as diabetic aid to control blood sugar and weight control. Does not work!

Consumer Report

Do not deal with this company! Shoddy business practices!

Health resources (glucosulin)
Health resources, glucosulin, stole my money delivered no merchadise

Health Resource, LLC Unethical and immoral

Health Resource If you do not wish to continue with this product, just call to cancel with in the 30 day trial and there will be no futher shipments of charges

Returned w/in 30 days, (in Aug.), now my account is being charged $99.00 for mdse. I did not order nor receive. Contacted Service Dep't. And was told order was cancelled and no charges were to be fo