Mobile diagnostic center
Michael Blumenthal invest in PET scanners for small Hopsitals

Health & Medicine

I was mislead, lied to and cajoled into investing in a mobile PET scanner. Everything was plausible.
Michael Blumenthal flat out lied. I spoke to him several times on the phone and he never did any of the things he said he would do.

In retrospect, this was a scam from the get go. Limited number of investors. I can now picture a room filled with cold callers.invest in us now. We will send you an investment packet. We have several other mobile PET scanners and are increasing our fleet. One day, we will sell to a bigger company (that I know) and so forth.

$25k. I kept checking on progress and was given plausible ansers. Now I know it was pure scam. What can we do now? Clearly all of us have been taken for a ride.

Company: Mobile diagnostic center
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las vegas
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MDC Mobile Diagnostic Center
Michael Blumenthal Blumenthal said he set up a mobile imaging center in Alabama, he gave us no city or hospital name. I think the whole thing was a hoax

Mobile Diagnostic Centers, LP
Michael Blumenthal Mobile Diagnostic Centers, LP Michael Blumenthal Scam, Ripoff. Lost $25000.00

Mobile Diagnostic Centers, LP
Michael Blumenthal has provided no corrispondense of any kind since my investment in Mobile Diagnostic Centers LP in March

Mobile Diagnostic Centers LP
Michael Blumenthal scam failed promises no communication after $25,000 investment fraud

Mobile Diagnostic Centers, LP
Ripoff, scam artist, thief MICHAEL BLUMENTHAL

Mobile Diagnostic Centers, LP
Michael Blumenthal $5000 a share scam

Mobile Diagnostic Centers, LP
Michael Blumenthal Scam, Ripoff. Lost $25000.00

Movile Diagnostic Centers
Michael Blumenthal I invested $10,000 in MDC 08/19. I was told they were in the process of building a mobile unit and it would be completed in December. They never had a unit built. I have never received a

Mobile Diagnostic Centers
Mobile Imaging Development, Investor Fraud, Scam

Direct Medical investing
Still Micheal Blumenthal scamming people. I invested with him in 2007 the name was Mobile Imaging then. It changed to Mobile Diagnostics now looks like Dirct Medical investing! There are more names be Scammed Montreal, Canada