Susan Boyan
This woman is a menace and a thief

Health & Medicine

I was unfortunatley stuck with this "family co-parenting" therapist (for lack of better terms) She would threaten me constantly with "reports to the judge" if i did not pay whatever she demanded. She has falsified reports to the court and judges. I have been in contact with two other people who are in the same situation. The best thing to do is to report her at this web site https://secure. Sos. State. Ga.Us/myverification/SubmitComplaint. Aspx
it is a form to have her license reviewed and possibly, hopefully taken away.

DO NOT let her near your children. She terrorized my children to the point of wetting the bed for several weeks and literally screamed at them that they were liars when they told her they were beaten by my former spouses new wife's son who was much older than they are (I had pictures of the injuries and the doctors reported it to the department of family services). She has double billed me on more than one occassion and everything in the previous complaint against her is TRUE!!! I cannot express the damage this woman will cause all for monetary gain. She also has a lawsuit pending against her now in Dekalb county Georgia where she had someone's children taken from her because she did not have Susan's "demand" money. My children reported to Boyan that their father had given them and MADE them drink Mike's hard lemonade... Her response was... Anyone could make that mistake. She also told another mother who reported that her children were being given nyquil to make them go to sleep (they were not sick the father just wanted to go out) and Boyan told the mother that the father had every right to give his children medicine!!! Since when is Nyquil medicine for children on a daily basis? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE file any complaint you have at the above web site. This woman needs to be stopped. Susan, if you are reading this, there WILL BE MORE LAWSUITS TO COME!!! YOU ARE A MENACE AND A DISGRACE to the therapist who try to help. Ms. Boyan also likes to practice law without a license. If she has changed any part of your divorce agreement THIS IS ILLEGAL!!! REPORT HER TO THE BAR, SHE WILL BE PROSECUTED. Please do not blow off anything if you know about her antics. She must be reported before someone's child is severly hurt.

Company: Susan Boyan
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
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Susan Boyan
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