Granite Medical, Dr. Charles Schwartz
Poor health treatment

Health & Medicine

I have severe leg pain. I was sent to Dr. Blackmann—a neurologist, by my doctor a gastro guy. Dr. Blackmann after many tests and giving me many types of medication, that didn't work, except a perscription for 10 mg percocet which helped enough for me to get threw work, sent me to the Weymouth, Ma. Pain Clinic.

At the pain clinic I saw Judy Kwong who verified I had chronic leg and back pain due to compressed disks. She directed me to a Dr. Ulrich, a surgeon who worked in the radiology department. Dr Ulrich injected me with steroids and told me the damage was much more extensive than previously thought.

The doctor told me I would need more shots that I can get every 6 weeks and I would still probably need pain management, meaning the percocet which they gave me a perscription for after the first set of shots. I was also told I needed my primary care doctor to write any futher scripts.

The reason I am writing this is because the very doctor{Dr. Schwartz} who sent me to get help for the severe pain I was having is now refusing to help me with pain medication—called me a drug seeker, and told me to find another doctor because I was making "HIM" uncomfortable when
in fact my legs are still very painful to the point of people asking me at work if I'm ok—I have also missed work because of the pain.

Maybe I'm wrong but if a few pills can help a persons life to be better while they are getting treatment why should the very doctor who sent me for help refuse to help me.

Also the mans treatment of me as a patient who he knows is in severe pain and whos lifestyle {work especially}is suffering is poor at best

Bill Spurrell

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Company: Granite Medical, Dr. Charles Schwartz
Country: USA
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Granite Medical, Dr. Charles Schwartz
Poor health treatment

Dr Sarabanchong

Dr. Yoram Shi
Montreal General Hospital Pain Cente

Lakewood regional hospital
Very Rude Unprofessional Docto

Dr Prichard Pain clinic
Consumer Report

Dr. Rosande
Withheld proper strenght of medican

Cenegenics medical institute
Misled me and kept some of my mnoey

Oakwood Medical Southshore
Inadequate health care

Dr. Rosande/Southwest WA. Medical Center
Withheld proper strenght of medicine to elevate pain

The Take Care Clinic, DID NOT take care of me!