Governor John Kasich
State Medical Board of Ohio completely out-of-reality about false physician cases with 'confidential' complaints, multiple evaluations of women physician's sex lives, no fiscal responsbility except to corruption, wasting lives a

Health & Medicine

Governor John R. Kasich, and every state legislator, are completely 'clueless' about the State Medical Board of Ohio - what is really going on there is 'confidential.' Governor Kasich is running the State of Ohio, but doesn't know the 'confidential.' How can a Governor run a state where things are 'confidential'? ASK GOVERNOR KASICH - no other Governor can do this but he doesn't talk to other Governors. You can't meet with Governor Kasich, and you can't DISCUSS the State Medical Board with him - it's all 'confidential' - even the budget and what it's spent for at the State Medical Board of Ohio.

The Ohio Medical Board is where women MD licenses are taken for objecting to the wrong care (diagnoses are made up or invented daily, medical records constantly changed), not wanting to endure the latest 'Weiner' sexual comment or innuendo (before Weiner there was Dr. Timothy Nice and his need for personal 'understanding'), and just trying to insist on better care for women patients.

Women patients are expendable - unless it's Mrs. Kasich and her daughters - women MDs exist to be the 'bad' MD stats - just like Kasich can fix his traffic tickets, the Governor's family can get medical care. Everyone else's daughter has to 'do it' with DR. NICE of lose their license to practice medicine = the Ohio practice criteria. The State Medical Board of Ohio is the biggest legal escort service - they make you work with certain male physicians for your medical license - 'work' being an euphemism for going along with male requests - can't say 'No' in Ohio - that's a personality disorder diagnosis.

Psychiatric Evaluations of Women = GOES: For the one woman - she won't refer to Dr. Nice and the 'right' physicians - and they call these the 'right' physicians at Board meetings - so she's been out of a license for 19 years until she agrees to take a sixth psychiatric evaluation - which will be 'fixed.' No psychiatric evaluation at the State Medical Board of Ohio is NOT fixed - they won't hire an indepent expert as they have to do in Perugia, Italy.

No one on Governor Kasich's staff goes to State Medical Board meetings - Brad Reynolds can't even ask Mr. Whitehouse how much a certain case has cost the State of Ohio for 19 years - there's no price tag and no accountability. How much has the 19-year case cost the taxpayers - the case where the Board is still FINDING a case? Answer that question Governor Kasich. No questions are answered in Ohio.

It's just business as usual = just screw the women and make it look legal, no external review, no way to 'fix' mistakes - the State Medical Board of Ohio does not make mistakes, they make messes. The Ohio State Medical Board loses money, and lives, without a thought, a budget, or any legal precedents. No license is taken for criteria under the law, no one knows what medical licenses are taken for in Ohio - except for Dr. Nice to get his sexual 'understanding, ' for Dr. Michael Keith to get his needs from his wife at night (he can't THINK about a woman patient's fracture), Dr. Carla O'Day to have money to retire on after two husbands and one of the messiest Ohio divorces in years. The pathology is at the top - Governor Kasich hasn't a clue - he can't say what medical licenses are taken for in Ohio nor what it costs the taxpayers - the Medical Board is not in the Budget - it's ABOVE THE BUDGET. Governor Kasich is never pictured at the State Medical Board of Ohio - and changes no appointments to that Board.

Women MDs in Ohio are not allowed that complaints against them be verified, or even known - they are just trashed with soap opera documents. Ohio MD degrees down the drain if the woman won't admit what the Medical Board wants her to admit, evaluations over-and-over for 'making too much of bad care' - they call it having another 'GO' at you in Ohio at the Board - they need another and another 'GO' - what Governor Kasich campaigned for, ie GOES FOR WOMEN PHYSICIANS. He's the GO-GOVERNOR to women MDs in Ohio. It's not about fixing BAD MDs, it's about justifying what they are allowed to do to women patients - leave fractures to 'ripen, ' throw out the blood work, fix the psychiatric diagnosis, and splint with 30 year-old splints that didn't work 30 years ago. It's about medieval care for women patients in Ohio - leaving the status quo. The Lt. Governor hasn't a CLUE.

If Governor Kasich got the 'boys' care, there would be an investigation - but women MD's aren't worth anything in Ohio. Women MDs are not allowed 'care-to-function, ' blood work, casts on fractures, or due process - it's all 'confidential.' And no one can win, or clear their name, when the complaint is constantly being changed; no other state has 'confidential' physician complaints - just Ohio.

Governor Kasich is the Governor of the worst State Medical Board in the US - where nothing is fair, just, or even medically correct - just BAD. Governor Kasich is the Governor of 'confidential.' Even criminals get more due process; Amanda Knox gets her day-in-court but not women MDs in Ohio - they get destroyed because they didn't 'do it' with Dr. Nice, like Dr. Keith's 'experimental' cast, or get along with Carla O'Day in Medical School - where she took off Saturday classes to lie 'poolside' with her now ex-husband. No other CWRU Medical Student could do this - just Carla O'Day (then STREEPY). The only thing she taught the women in the class behind - how to 'cheat, ' how to do it with a tan, and how to threaten the Deans (know Governor Celeste).

The State Representatives can see a pile of documents, the supposed 'case, ' but no lawyer can get ahold of the 'confidential' complaint - MDs are supposed to sue the Medical Board to see what they are accused of - at $50,000-$100,000 to file the case - suing the State of Ohio is the only way to get justice in Ohio as the Ohio Court of Appeals can't get the file of what the case is REALLY ABOUT. Kasich isn't about transparency, or good government - just getting away with it.

Medical Board cases support the legal community in Ohio - no case ever really ends - the 'confidential' is constantly changed. The State Representatives admit the fraud, but nothing is ever reformed - that would cripple Columbus and the legal machinery in Ohio; the cases that never end would end.

While Governor Kasich makes a pretense of being a 'Renaissance' Governor - it's all 'confidential' at the State Medical Board of Ohio - for the last 20 years nothing is aboveboard. Governor Kasich just pretends, the state legislators just go-along, and it's business as usual; no fiscal responsibility at the State Medical Board of Ohio.

NO OTHER STATE has such a 'clueless' Governor - who can play golf with the President but not read the state files; he can't possibly do his job as it's all CONFIDENTIAL. No other state has 'confidential' physician complaints and allows blatant lying, multiple psychiatric evaluations of women physicians with no patient complaints, and the ruin of good physician lives & careers.

Every other state can't waste the money - RI, PA, AZ - even Hawaii and Alaska don't do it this way - they NEED PHYSICIANS, Ohio just gets them VISAS; more FMGs is the Kasich solution. Mr. Whitehouse has got a very 'dirty' house - in 2003 it was thought by Speaker Householder's office that opening the files would cripple and bankrupt Columbus paying for legitimate damages to physicians - so in 2003 he overrode reforms as every other Speaker continues to do. It's the House that doesn't do reforms in Ohio. It's an admitted legislative 'cover-up.'

In every other state the legislators understand that the FIRST persons to know that a physician is bad ARE THE PATIENTS; that if a physician has no patient complaints - they are doing their job and there is probably jealousy from colleagues if the complaint is a physician-physician complaint about care practice standards. But Ohio doesn't get this; the Governor's staff just says that Kasich knows about the State Medical Board - the question is HOW?

Governor Kasich wants that his daughters be graded correctly in school, that his tickets be for due cause, but no woman MD can get justice or even know what she is accused of and by whom. Amanda Knox is allowed the 'evidence, ' and an appointed independent expert, but not Ohio women MDs - they serve 20 years for objecting to the admittedly wrong care - where the 'boys were being boys.' Italian justice is better than Ohio - where MDs are falsely condemned before they get a fair Hearing from other than a 'talking head' lawyer. Ohio MD justice is like Catholic priest justice - once accused you are guilty - even with no patient complaints - no medical mistakes - just objecting to the boy's mistakes qualifies you to be de-licensed.

No review has ever been conducted of the 'confidential' practices going on for the last 20 years - where Carla O'Day MD and other Board Members profited by fixing cases with millions of dollars in hospital contracts. That Board Members profit from Medical Board cases is a KNOWN FACT = ethics in Ohio. Everyone from Budish to Kasich knows that Carla O'Day walked with millions, and no one wants to open that case up at the State Medical Board of Ohio - because Members that also profited are still there (Steinbergh, Talmadge).

Everything from the complaint on can be 'confidential, ' or 'fixed, ' at the State Medical Board of Ohio; no lie is too outrageous for public records. For example, it's FACT that one woman MD was 'seductive' with two uncasted, excrescent, wrist fractures; that Rorschach answers (no other State Medical Board requires that a MD undergo one of these ridiculous tests) vanish, and that new psychiatric diagnoses are made up and paid for - no expert is hired unless they agree to testify as the Board wants. The Ohio State Medical Board can rewrite the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Psychiatry for it's own agendas.

There's no corruption too petty for the State Medical Board of Ohio, no life above wasting with false complaints, Hearings, and soap opera details; James Franco wouldn't take this script. There are pile of false cases since the 1990s - one case of a woman MD whose license was taken by another woman Board Member in the class ahead of her at Case Western Reserve Medical School. CWRU Medical School trains women MDs to take the licenses of classmates - to get ahead, to get Chairmanships of Departments, to destroy the competition.

Please open up the stack of false physician cases and 'confidential' physician complaints at the State Medical Board of Ohio - reform the process like every other state, but Ohio, has.

The Governor needs to stop being CLUELESS, stupid, and just careless with physician careers, lives and health - after 20 years of fighting the State Medical Board of Ohio there are NO WINNERS - Ohio and the physician have lost and you can't get those jobs & careers back. Employability means physicians too.

Just because Governor Kasich couldn't get into medical school doesn't mean that he should continue to trash the lives of those that could - physicians that have no patient complaints but just couldn't endure the 'boys being boys' shouldn't be disciplined; this isn't Ohio every other field, including politics, the boys eventually have to resign - not so in Ohio Medicine - the boys are running the Board and Governor Kasich - he hasn't got a clue what's going down at the State Medical Board of Ohio and (earth to Kasich) neither has Brad Reynolds.

Company: Governor John Kasich
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Columbus
Address: Riffe Center, 30th Floor, 77 South High Street
Phone: 6144663555
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Governor John Kasich
State Medical Board suspending the medical licenses of women MDs for objecting to the wrong care to themselves - admittedly wrong care done by physicians not certified - with no patient complaints

Governor John Kasich
State Medical Board of Ohio like in Texas, needs to review all physician medical license suspensions with anonymous 'confidential' colleague complaints - where the physician had no patient complaints - huge stack of false cases Internet

Governor John Kasich Ohio
Kimberly Anderson take medical licenses for 20 year for objecting to admittedly bad care, release confidential complaints against state law, allow the Medical Board to cheat on cases to invent diagnoses for physicians

Governor John Kasich
State Medical Board allowed to take the licenses of women MDs who object to admittedly bad medical care with 'confidential' complaints signed by the physicians providing the bad care - no restriction

Governor John Kasich
State Medical Board of Ohio allows false physician discipline cases based on unreliable physician testimony, 'confidential' colleague complaints and improprely processed 'normal' lab work to continue despite that Romney would ne

Governor John Kasich
State Medical Board of Ohio can go after the handful of pill-mill physicians, but can't review cases of unjust suspensions for objecting to the wrong care by physicians that can't even collect insurance for that care

Governor John Kasich
State Medical Board of Ohio False physician disciplines are ruining Ohio, physicians can't get medical care when they are a case, one woman MD is truly ill after 19 years of withheld care - she complained about her own medical c

Governor John Kasich
Has time for Meet the Press but refuses to review State Medical Board cases with no patient complaints - where Medical Board cheated in 2 Hearing expert testimonies to make false cases - falsifying Ro

Governor John Kasich (Ohio)
Mr. Richard Whitehouse taking physician licenses based on complaints by colleagues who don't know the physician, never spoke to them, paid for complaints - which you can't prove except that other potential complaint signers

Governor John Kasich
Will allow women MDs to die from unnecessary fractures rather than admit that the State Medical Board made a mistake taking medical licenses for 'making too much' of admittedly bad fracture care and n