Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals
Lifekey Once they have you, you can't stop them

Health & Medicine

They had such a nice commercal on the radio. You can try 30 days for free. No obligaion and money back garrenteed.

I recived the first package with in 2 weeks then 2 weeks later I recived another one. I felt that it wasn't helping me like they said so I called the number that they gave me. That number was a voice message telling me to go on line to cancil.

I went on line and followed their procedure figuring that that was it. Wrong. I have been sent 2 more pakages and I have tried to get them to stop but they keep on comming and charging my credit card.

Company: Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Cincinnaati
Address: P.O. Box 42635
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Berkeley Premium / Lifekey, inc
Berkeley Premium Lifekey, Inc ripoff fraudulent billing Cinncinnati Ohio

Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals, Inc., Managed Care Direct
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Suvaril - Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals
Suvaril-Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals, Inc is a RIP-OFF! They never send the free sample and next thing you know, you have been charged $70! PLUS they have thousands of BBB complaints!

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Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals (Altovis, Avlimil, Enzyte etc.) rip-offs!

Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals
Ripoff They took $70.00 out of my debit card After I had canceled They should give back my money now They should be stopped so they don't RIPOFF OTHER PEOPLE! They need to pay people back there money now i can use it stop them

Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals - - Altovis
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