Pamela Nathan,
Ripoff Reaction to supplements: Cannot get money back because I tried the product!

Health & Medicine

I ordered "Primal Defense" and "Colostrum" from because I read about the health benefits of using these products to getting rid of toxins in the body which can cause numerous problems with digestion.

After following the directions enclosed with the products, I took them as directed starting slowly then increasing the dosage.
I began to experience hives on my shoulders, stomach and back.
I called Pamela Nathan to find out what to do.

The product information sheet on the "Primal Defense" state that if you experience "discomfort" to lower the dosage.
Nothing was stated about the effects of "Colostrum."

She said that what I was experiencing was "toxins" being removed.
She also stated that because I opened the bottles, I couldn't get a refund.

I told her I didn't feel comfortable continuing to take them.
She sent me an e mail saying she would give my phone number to the manufacturers.

I did receive 2 calls from the makers of "Primal Defense" and the woman left messages saying for me to return her call so she could explain what was happening.

I didn't return the calls because they didn't want to give me my money back either.
I didn't get any response from the makers of "Colostrum."

The Refund policy on states a refund will be issued less a 15% restocking fee if you are not satisfied with the products. The refund policy doesn't tell you how to get a refund, if after taking the product, you are not satisfied.

A consumer cannot know whether or not he/she is happy with a product unless he/she takes it, uses it etc.

I contacted the Better Business Bureau for their help but were
unsuccessful at getting a response from Pamela Nathan. I attempted to send the products back to her but she contacted UPS herself to cancel the products from being shipped.

It's obvious that Pamela Nathan only wants to make a profit at the consumers expense but doesn't want to take the responsibility if a consumer is not happy.

Bottom line, if you order products from, and open the bottle, whether you consume the produt or not, good luck on getting a refund.

Company: Pamela Nathan,
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Diego
Address: 4455 Vision Drive
Phone: 8584522280
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