Lifestyle Lift
Plastic surgery - laser

Health & Medicine

My experience with Lifestyle Lift has been an interesting journey.

I first learned about Lifestyle Lift through their TV ads, showing clients with remarkable results of before and after pictures as well as video of them. All looked many years younger, refreshed, having smoother skin and their wrinkles gone. Their jaw lines were well defined after their surgery.

After reviewing the company’s pamphlets and video on May 6th, I opted for Lifestyle Lift option C including their platysmaplasty, liposculpting and a full face laser treatment for a total of $8500. The procedure was done on May 13 by Dr. Eric T. Waterman, the same doctor that examined my face for this procedure on May 6th.

In just one week of the surgery, I could see my wrinkles returning to my face as the swelling went down. After one month, I could see NO improvement in my face and I do not look one day younger than before my surgery. I have wrinkles and frown lines around my mouth and the same wrinkles I had around my eyes, as well. I still have brown spots on my face, large pores and wrinkles on my face. My jaw line has not improved.

I followed the Lifestyle Lift instructions to a T. I even slept elevated in a recliner for three weeks, instead of in bed with my husband.

I only let my closest co-workers know what I did since I took ten days off of work. The only thing they see are my scars. One co-worker was bold enough to say, “Did you have a witch doctor work on you� It might as well been.

The entire hospital staff and all of my family have not noticed or said anything about my ‘years younger and refreshed look’, confirming what I already knew, that this surgery did nothing, but leave scars.instead of wearing my hair behind my ears, as I have for years, I have to cover my ears because of the scars. My ears are still numb and areas around my ears and neck are still hard and knotted.

I had an appointment today, June 11 with Dr. Waterman. I received my before and after pictures that I will be happy to share with anyone interested in viewing. I told Dr. Waterman that I didn't look a day younger or anymore refreshed, and his response was, "You can't expect miracles". I said, “Excuse me??? I was only expecting what was promised... To look younger and refreshedâ€. When asked if he felt any obligation to do anything further for the $8500. I spent, he said, “Noâ€. I thanked him for his time, then left.

At no time did he examine the knots on my face and neck that I told him about, or check my scars.

My intent is to write as many Internet consumer reviews as I can to caution others that Lifestyle Lift is not all it's cracked up to be and to contact the local and national media to do a story on behalf of the many disappointed clients nationwide. I am already in touch with The Oprah Show.

I hope this review will encourage others to seek several plastic surgeons advice before buying into the claims that Lifestyle Lift is 'the nations face experts'.

Company: Lifestyle Lift
Country: USA
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