Warner Health Care

Health & Medicine

Avlimil advertised on tv with a free 30 day supply of pills for female problems. Just 4.50 shipping. Called toll free # & asked to try only. Gentleman said I needed a 3 month supply for it to work. Told him I did not want 3 month supply just to send the 1 month. Today $70 taken out of my checking account for Avlmil. Called toll free # found on website to cx & was told I could not get a refund that the pills were a personal item & that meant no refund. Found on website only way to get a refund is to have the auto plan for a year. Found on another site where company has kept charging other peoples account who have cancelled orders with the company. I am going to call the BBB of Cincinnati & file a complaint if I can find their address and also go to my bank & close my debit card. Will also file a complaint with them if I can.

Company: Warner Health Care
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Cincinnati
Phone: 8004742371
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Warner Health Care
LifeKey unauthorized use of credit card

Warner Health Care - Avlimil
Avlimil - Warner Health Care, Inc. Ripoff! They withdrew funds from my bank account before they should have

Warner Health Care
Ripoff took $109.50 instead of $4.50 from my checking account. Cincinnati Ohio

Warner Health Care
Inc. Avlimil credit card rip off

Warner Health Care - avlimil
Warner Health Care/avlimil ripoff, dishonest, fraudulent billing, ridiculous customer service

Warner Health Care
Beware of the avlimil ads

Warner Health Care - Avllimil
Warner Health Care, Avlimil.com Charging unauthorized items to my VISA, would not stop or respond. Rip-off! Cincinnati Ohio

Avlimil-Warner Health Care
So-called "Managed Care Direct" program leads to unauthorized charges to bank account after ordering so-called free sample. Ripoff!

Warner Health Care (Avlimil)
Warner Health Care, Inc. (Avlimil) Misleading often changed website

Warner Health Care
Or avlimil ripoff, scammers, will take your money again and again, beware! This company is well aware of what it is doing to us!