Lean Spa, LLC
Ripoff Orange County

Health & Medicine

Omg! Okay, Im not saying not to try it because the product DOES actually work. I already lost 5 lbs in 1 week (I think it's because it makes you poop right after you take it)! HOWEVER, the price itself was a ripoff! Okay, maybe I WOULD have paid the $79.99 they charged me for my shipment, because it does work, but thats not what the advertisement says. It SAYS, all you pay is $1.95 for shipping and handling! Not! So not true! Within 4-5 days after I received my shipment, I saw not 1 but 2 charges on the credit card for $79.99 A PIECE! When I called the 888 #—the "Customer Service Operator" actually said, "Did you read the fine print Maam"??? Oh, no she didnt! Then she went on to tell me that the "fine print" says that if you dont cancel your subscription within 10 days of your order... Mind you it took a few days to get to me... Then I would be charged $79.99 for the first shipment, and then another $79.99 for the following months shipment as well! Huh??? Where the heck did I agree to that??? This meant that I needed to cancel my order within maybe 3 days afetr I received it! How would I even know if it worked by then??? Oh well, momma always said if it sounds too good to be true then it [probably is, so I guess they got me this time!!! BUT, the "Customer Service Rep" did SAY she cancelled my FUTURE orders so I shouldnt be getting anymore charges. We'll see what happens!!! And to make matters worse, Dr. Oz was/is a spokesperson for Lean Spa! Hhhmmmmmmm!!! I used to like that show!!!

Company: Lean Spa, LLC
Country: USA
Phone: 8888399900
Site: leanspa.com
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Lean Spa. The proper weight loss system
Watch Out. It's a trap to get your credit money. Orange

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I cancelled interest in product 25 Feb 08 but keep getting charged $19.95 on my charge card

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