Lee palmer dentistry
Dentist Lee Palmer - do not apply for job, beware he is NOT NORMAL!

Health & Medicine

After seeing the job posting on craigslist, I applied for the Receptionist/Office position in his dental office. He called me back repeatedly... While i was on the phone with him... He said he was gonna call me back, not to answer, and asking me to call him back and leave him a voicemail explaining who I am, and answering all of the many questions he just left on my voicemail.

It started of verrrrry weird. But, I needed a job, asap. So, he called me back a few more times, unsure of when to hv me come in. He wanted me to come in on a Saturday morning when the office was closed.

I wish I had never wasted my time going in. I should have used my gutt instinct, b/c he is NOT NORMAL!!! I have never had such a horrible, uncomfortable, long interview in my life!

I was there for 2 and a half hours, and could barely get out of there! He had me follow him as he paced from his office to the front at least 10 times while asking me alot of questions, repeatedly. There was no pt for him to pace back and forth and have me follow him. He even checked his email, and then asked me why was i looking at his email, even though he asked me to follow him!?

He asked me to fill out a paper with my name and address, and everytime i started, he'd say, "Hold on a second, follow me..." and then go back to his office where he has a board with confusinf info for you to learn right then, and then ask you questions about what he's written, then he ask you to read aloud guidelines for the office, and then has you open your mouth so he can check yur teeth during the interview!
He had many calls while I was there, from his wife, and he'd tell her he's fixing to leave but keeps going on and on... Asking VERY personal questions, including if your married or dating, and if you'd move in with a guy before marriage! There was soooo many odd, personal, weird, and redundant questions, that I was freaked out!
I felt uncomfortable the ENTIRE time!
He said he'd be right back... Was going to get coffee, and then come back and not have coffee in hand! He then had me read over manuals, and tell me his office MUST have $5,000 income every day. Then went on to rant about insurance companies are not our friend! And... There are ways around it. Also, he insisted that if he hires me, I must MAKE everyone that is in collections pay him!
He said, you can't try... That you have to MAKE THEM PAY! And that it would be worth your while???
Also, he said if you quit within 2 weeks, you would owe him money!!!
Then, he asked me to follow him... Walking... Over 2 blocks in freezing cold to get him coffee. (that he said previously he was going to get)
I told him many times I needed to leave, and then he'd say now hold on, wait a minute... I thought you want this job? He also went back and forth many times, leaving me standing there, feeling uneasy and scared! I almost had to sneak out. He asked me again, to follow him for coffee! Even though we just had went!
Finally, he told me I could start Monday... And I said ok, just so I could get out of there.
He then asked me if I could drop him to get coffee, and I said No, and I was leaving, he walked beside my car, even running up to my car on the street, to tell me directions, which I already told him I had!
DON'T trust him as a dentist or employer! There is something mentally wrong with this guy and he should NOT be allowed to be in business.
I left there stressed and uncomfortable... And i did a search on him and found many more similar complaints on him as well.
Lee Palmer DDS should be investigated!

Company: Lee palmer dentistry
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Franklin
Address: 143 4th Ave. N
Phone: 6157940756
Site: leepalmerdentistry.com
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