Enzyte.com - LifeKey
Ripoff misleading ads no cancellation form on askberkeley.com Cincinnati Ohio

Health & Medicine

I ordered Enzyte for a person who lives 3000 miles away from me so didn't see the "disclaimer" or automatic enrollment phrases. I called the number given me to cancel and got a message that said, "you can cancel at www.askberkeley.com". I'd rather do things by email than talk on the phone so I went to the site.

I looked at every page on askberkeley.com for the cancellation form the phone robot said would be there. Spent quite a bit of time actually to make sure I hadn't missed it. It is not on that site unless they put in on there while I'm typing this. I called the company again and held the line to talk to someone who told me I cannot cancel if the product is already shipped. I asked to talk to a supervisor who was a complete robot - learned her lines well. I asked her who the manufacturer was and she said Berkeley Neutraceuticals.

That company is not listed on any search engine that I could find. She also mentioned the Federal Trade Commission and that is where each one of us should write I guess to get this bait and switch company off the net or to change their policies. I finally entered lifekey which got me here! Thanks all you guys for putting in usacomplaints.com! I hope we can get this company to quit their corporateering ways.

Company: Enzyte.com - LifeKey
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8669859040
Site: www.enzyte.com
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