Midwestern dental

Health & Medicine

I have gone to Midwestern for a couple of years now. They would not do any work in my mouth till I got this deep root and acaling done. After they did that they put together a plan of action. It takes so long to get in for an appt. That it was time for my next cleaning before they finished the work needed done in my mouth. The last and FINAL visit to the Famington Hills office the director look at a back to without even touching it with any equipment and said I neede a root canal. Mind you this was just before the hloidays in 2010. So he sent me to a specialist. Come to find out my back tooth had cracked it cost me $200.00 to see the specialist. Upon a prior visit I told the dentist I see a cavity on my front tooth. His reply was "It's not in the treatment plan. On your next cleaning they will see it." I said you are working in that area. He didn't care. If you don't mind your mouth falling apart waiting for an appt. Then this is the place for you. I have never felt like a so unimportant and just a number as I have with this company. I would NEVER recommend it ESPECIALLY if you have Golden Dental for your coverage.

Company: Midwestern dental
Country: USA
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