Nutrigenic Life LLC (Diet Max)
XM Brands, Inc. Legalized unconsentual sex! Right here in AMERICA!

Health & Medicine

I called this company to cancel this order of acai berry diet supplement because I noticed you had 10 days from the date this junk was ordered to do so. This product was ordered on Sept 3 and I called this company on sep10 and spoke to a manager named "Amy Brown" (she had a thick oriental accent) and she promised me the charges would be canceled. I told her someone that was unauthorized to use my debit card had obtained my card information without my consent and purchased some product for $4.

I was alerted to this by an email receipt I received on Sept 9, that indicated this $4 purchase. When reading the email, I saw a statement there if that indicated if I wanted to cancel this "subscription" I had to call within 10 days of the original order date for this product to do so. I called this company, on September 9th, and spoke to Amy Brown, twice, and she said she had canceled the order and no further charges would show up on my debit card. She also said she was going to send me an email confirmation of this which never occurred (I do not have a spam blocker on my email account).

In speaking with her the second time, she said she sent the email 2 times. The second time I called this company, I got her again, and she said she was resending it as we spoke but it never arrived (I waited on the phone for it to arrive for 10 minutes). I checked with my ISP and they verified there are no spam filters on my email account with them. When reading the email this company sent to me, it stated I will be charged, automatically, each month, $85 for a product I never ordered.

So far, I haven't even received this product they speak of although $4 had been taken from my debit card for what was supposed to be a 10 day supply and I was charged an additional $87.47 the day after I spoke with an "Amy Brown" that "promised" me my order had been canceled and no additional charges would appear on my debit card.

I let them know I was more than willing to absorb the $4 that was initially charged to my debit card as the onus is on me to protect my personal information, even from unscrupulous family members and I stated to her I did not need nor want this product and my call to her was solely for the purpose of canceling this order to ensure no more charges were added to my debit card.

In retrospect, this "AMY Brown, " with a thick oriental accent that I spoke to twice (forgive me if I am wrong, but I believe it is highly unlikely one would find an oriental female named "Amy Brown" breathing anywhere on this planet) was probably indeed in another country with no idea what this product was and was probably reading from a script of some kind. I immediately canceled my debit card and had a new card with a new number issued to me after I received this second charge of $87.47.

My advice: If it looks too good to be true, it's probably a scam. Go to the drugstore and see what is on the shelves a drugstore, you pay for something once, and if you don't like it, you don't have to buy it again and, more than likely, you won't have to deal with extra charges showing up on your credit/debit card.

In this country, unconsentual sex is called rape. I guess, it is entirely legal to rape someone, as evidenced here, in this context, and not have to worry about going to jail.

Company: Nutrigenic Life LLC (Diet Max)
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami gardens
Address: 5753 NW 158 St
Phone: 18004404397
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