CSU Veterinary medical
Very slow

Health & Medicine

I had my dog done necropsy and told me we will mail the result in a week. Its been 6 weeks havent gotten results yet. They been telling me computers were down, delay, said will mail it to you. They dont respect clients taking too long and lying to clients also cant tell the truth, extremely slow? The major problem they dont communicate at all really said. I was calling them 6 times asking them what's going on and whats taking so long. I been hearing lies and dont keep a chart or records. People are tired waiting and waiting for results. Take them forever page doctors and takes 6 people before actually talk to the real doctor. Its very frustrating their and so much stress on clients than go home really bad experience. I brought my cat for check end their 6 hours. They said will bring your cat back and been waiting for 6 hours asking each staff can you check wheres my cat and what taking forever nobody knew wheres my cat. I had appointment at 12:00pm went home 7:30pm they told didnt have right tool plus told me they been running around finding the tool. They couldnt come up to me and say that sorry we dont have to right, this might take a while.

They need stop lying to clients and respect others. The staff needs to do their job right and fast. When they say they will send result need to do it not just lie or make up story. Need more staff, supervisor and managers. When doctor say will call you then do it dont have client wait you for days until client had to reach you again.

Company: CSU Veterinary medical
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Fort collins
Address: 300 west drake road
Phone: 97029777
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