Medica Health Plans of Florida, Inc
Takes your Premium, denies your claim and leaves you sick!

Health & Medicine

I went to 2 walk in clinics, my primary care physician twice, who referred my to a ear nose and throat specialist in my provider network (who has been a specialist for decades), been there 2 times and on over 5 rounds of antibiotics. My specialist recommended surgery. The day before my surgery Medica would not approve my surgery and wanted a CT scan. Two days later I had a CT scan done. A report was faxed over to Medica 3 times. They finally acknowledge receiving it. Then nothing happens, I call twice a week. Then they send me a certified letter saying they want a 14 day extension and I have a right to file for an expedited appeal. I file the appeal the next day by fax. Now 3 weeks later I am calling them to check status. They say they are still processing it, I say its been a month and I need an answer, so they say its denied. I have called them numerous times, been on hold for over 30 minutes each time I call, I have talked to 10 different people that barely speak English, wasted hundreds of dollars on copays jumping through their hoops, so they can deny my surgery as I sit here sick.

Company: Medica Health Plans of Florida, Inc
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Coral Gables
Address: 4000 Ponce de Leon blvd., Suite 650
Phone: 8007199531
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