HawaiiMD EasyScripts Kendra Marcoux Scam, Online Doctor Cosultation, Online Prescription Drugs

Health & Medicine

This organization and Kendra Marcoux will steal your money! Online Health Care Scam!

This company boasts a flashy website offering doctors consultations online, via webcam as well as prescription drug service. They say they can send kits for tests if needed, keep all your medical records available on the site, and give you access to doctors 24/7. They say there are "medical kiosks" (that look like ATMs) everywhere so you can access all this if your away from home. They wont tell you where they are at.
I called, it was answerd by someone that said another company name (that I found out Kendra Marcoux is also President, CEO, and all the other titles) After establishing this was EasyHealth MD, I went through a toally unprofessional sign up process. During which I started to question the validity of the whole thing. (after I had given credit card information)

This company is advertising, enrolling, and billing customers for a service they can not, currently provide. They disregard complaints, requests for contact, refunds. When confronted via telephone, I was hung up on, told some one would get back to me. No one will answer simple questions, such as, are you currently providing this service to anyone. President, CEO, Kendra Marcoux has billed and sent me an invoice and has ignored communication, and demand for a refund. This service is based on a website that is non functional, where the buttons are not active such as contact us, make an appointment, etc. Even though they advertise 24/7 service, calls are almost never answerd. When I asked I was told they are "currently in California" the whois data base for the website shows a Nevada address with a Massachtses zip code apparently the same as the home of Kendra Marcoux. The website was updated today from a Nevada to a Hawaii address.

Company: EasyHealthMD
Country: USA
Address: 701 N Green Valley Pkwy Henderson NV 89074
Phone: 8777327963
Site: easyhealthymd.com
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