The Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center Albany, NY
Captains Gregory Cole & Donna Cole I am a Beneficiary living in an unhealthy and deplorable living condition. I have to deal with discrimination, constant harrassment by the captains of the ARC and indifference

Health & Medicine

The Salvation Army captains Gregory Cole and Donna Cole are outrageously arrogant, discriminate, poorly educated and are always harrassing all beneficiaries & employess with all kinds of restrictions and verbal putdowns. They also mandate (coerce) all their employees who are currently renting rooms there, to attend religious AA & NA meetings which is outright illegal in New York State, All in the name of Jesus, How discouraging are these practices and headquarters do nothing about it.

First and foremost, we the beneficiaries are living in a mold, bug infested warehouse that currently houses 34 individuals. Building violations include non-working exit signs, mold hanging from the ceilings, poor ventilation, fire hazards and worst of all; mental abuse. We need the State Department of Health, OSHA, EOEC (Equal Opportunity Employment Commission), ACLU to intervene with these matters, however, we as labeled drug addicts are not worthy of rights.

If we only had the opportunity to meet with someone who would actually listen to our complaints without retribution, we would all agree with what is actually happening. This is not one angry beneficiary complaining, but all.

Hope this inspires someone to help us.

Company: The Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center Albany, NY
Country: USA
Address: 452 Clinton Avenue
Phone: 5184522416
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The Salvation Army ARC
Albany, NY Gregory & Donna Cole Harrassment, discrimination, negligence, hazards, building code violations, cable theft

Salvation Army

The Salvation Army
Is a very corrupt organization! Rip-off!

The Salvation Army
Discrimination towards employees

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The Salvation Army

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Unethical, crooks

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