Apria HealthCare
Incompetence at its Best!

Health & Medicine

Apria Healthcare, may be the top supplier of PURE MESS! They're not restricted to harming workers, significant worker hotline issues underneath the carpet, bad customer support, medical billing dreams and mediocrity throughout. This can be a business that fundamentally handle workers like "it's what it's", "consider it or abandon it" which therapy undoubtedly transcends to all relationships both internally within the organization and externally with clients. They believe they are doing this type of congrats in certain rocket-science, when GUYS: you provide crutches and wheelchairs! Many of them you get providing the incorrect size. If your client locations an order plus they are sold-out, they deliberately provide the incorrect item without consulting when the client might want to buy. They key would be to provide and gather on anything. GURU IDIOTS! Your entire day can come.

Company: Apria HealthCare
Country: USA
Site: apria.com
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Apria HealthCare
Billing Incompetence & Shortchanging

Apria HealthCare
Insurance claim

Apria Healthcare Inc
Where has the service gone!

Apria health care
Apria Refuses to pickup equipment

Apria HealthCare
Inadequacy / obfuscation

Apria HealthCare

Apria HealthCare
Apria = Poor Business Practice

Apria HealthCare
Incorrect billing practices and horrible customer service

Apria Healthcare
Apria marks up DME up to 500%! Ripoff

Apria HealthCare