The Democratic Party
Democrats - Socialists - Communists Big Government, Huge Taxes, Spend Our money

Health & Medicine

The Democratic Party has been pushing hard lately to ram the health care Bill down the throats of Americans, regardless of the fact that any poll shows that about 70-80% of the American population doesn't want the Bill passed as it is now.

The mere idea that our elected officials are doing what the People don't want, and making statements about our Constitution being detrimental to society and their plans is absurd. This is America, and it needs to remain free from tyranical government procedures such as this.

We can only speculate that behind the scenes, there has been a lot of bribery, extortion and political foul play going on within the Democratic Party to obtain the votes to pass it. Taking the back door approach to be sneaky and "deem" something into law goes against the very fiber of American politics.

Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, is not an American as far as I'm concerned. When she takes it on herself to threaten other elected officials, try and make politics for their State's needs become an issue, just to pass the Obama plan, is criminal in my eyes as well. Why isn't the FBI investigating this matter?

It's amazing how many crimes against our country take place behind the closed doors of the Democratic Party and it's head piece, Nancy Pelosi. If this Bill passes, it's one step closer to communist and socialist mannerisms in our country, and a further move to re-construct our country in their image. She belongs in prison as far as I'm concerned.

Company: The Democratic Party
Country: USA
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