Care Credit - GE Money

Health & Medicine

I have been a Care Credit customer for over 2 yrs and have paid on time online. Despite this my interests rate was recently increased to 26.99%. Last month I paid online, on time and received an e-mail confirmation that the payment was received on the due date. When I looked at my statement, I saw to my disgust a $40.00 late fee! I have called customer service and their rational for charging me is that the payment was received after 5:00 P.M. Est. I live in CA. When I return to work I am going to pay this off, but I do intend to take them to small claims court and go on KMUD to inform Northern California and Southern Oregon listeners not to do business with GE MONEY or Care Credit under no circumstances. Where is the Mafia when we need them!!!

Barbara, R.N.
Talk show host
Nurse Activist
Labor Activist

Company: Care Credit - GE Money
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
Address: P.O. Box 960061
Phone: 8668937864
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Care Credit/gemb
Worst Service Eve

GE Money / Care Credit
James Shafer - Financed Dental work at All Care Dental/Harrisburg, PA

Care Credit
Do not use Care Credit

GM Flexible Earnings Card
GM jacks interest rates after supposed late payments Ripoff

Care Credit, Ge Capital Con Cc
CARE CREDIT, GE CAPITAL CON rip-off Paid Off Account & Still Getting Bills rip-off

Care Credit - GE Money
Changing monthly due date results in late fees

Best Buy
Late charge fee for paying my invoice or bill early

Care Credit GE Moneybank
Deceptive practices to charge high fees

Bank Of America - Mastercard
Late charges & finance fees have to be paid even though you don't owe them

Care Credit - GE Money Bank
Ge mondy bank, gemb termination of promotional purchases