Unauthorized Charges

Health & Medicine

This company operates as a business entity in Miami, Fl & I know caveat emptor, but let's be frank they do not provide customer service and their ads are very misleading. Like everyone else who has complained about them on this board they advertise one thing and then do not allow you to refute any charges nor will they deal with your credit card company on disputes.

They also have limitations on when you can return things and how long they allow you for transit of the returned product along with many caveats

Concerning time limits and so forth. Basically what they are doing is scamming the public into believing they have a product that you can't live without and then they will charge your credit card with authorization for products that they ship at their own whim.

They are basically a crime and disservice to the American Public. I recommend that every one avoid them and not do business with them.

Company: Cleanwhites
Country: USA
State: Maine
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Unauthorized charges

RezXtra ( - St. Louis, Net Natural Laboratories, London Scam! Buyer Beware! Misleading marketing Tatics!

Vision Improvement Technologies, See Clearly Method
RipOff Thieves Extortionists

Tom Rice, tom Rice caveat emptor! Buyer beware! They charge but they do not ship!

Clean Whites Dazzle Whites
Unauthorized and excessive charges

Ecco Best
Noemi Roman Does Not Honors their Exchange/Return Policy - Very Sneaky! Beware

Rauscher Bekke LLC
CleanWhites Internet Fraud

Bargain Network
Has taken a total of $517.40 from my account without authorization