Premier Health Care
SDS Astonishing arrogance, disrespect and unprofessionalism

Health & Medicine

I received two calls from 800-251-7057 and no messages. As i was calling back, I did a serch of the number and found pages of scam warnings. The woman who answered the phone confirmed that they were Premier Health and associated with SDS and ATA.
She was rude to the point of making the conversation humorous and the only thing that she was interested in was finding out was if I "could afford to pay $260 a month. Keep in mind that this is the first question out of her mouth and without the minor detail of explaining what this would cover. When i mentioned that I found quite a few unsavory reports about her company, I was immediately handed off to a "gentleman" who intelligently addressed my inquiry with a fun scenario: "If I take you out to ten steak dinners and you don't like the steak one night, is it a bad restaurant?"
Keep in mind that every word he spoke to me was dripping with distain like I was asking him housesit a mold infested trailer with asbestos carpet. So I politely ask how he can run a business when he treats potential clients like this. This is when things got fun. He asked how I run my business and then immediately told me that I don't have one.
He then enlightened me to the fact that he has a privet jet. This is where I laughed and told him to enjoy his jet setting lifestyle in between acquiring new clients at a breakneck speed. I laughed pretty hard and that was the end of it.
Final analysis: SCAM. And not even a very good one, at that. Do not, under any circumstances give personal information to these hacks. But, if you are bored and have a sense of humor, give them a call and ask about the fraud reports!!

Company: Premier Health Care
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Coral Gables
Address: 2332 Galiano St, 2nd Floor, Suite 2007
Phone: 8002517057
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MWI Premier Health Plus
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Association For Lifestyle Reform - Premier Health Care
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MWI Premier Health Plus
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