Cherry Hill Dental Associates, INC
Misdiagnosis, Confusing Office Demeanor, False Advertising

Health & Medicine

I went to Cherry Hill Dental under the assumption that I was to have my teeth cleaned and receive the free teeth whitening product advertised on the local TV station. I was led to a bay area and asked to sit down. A young lady (name and title unknown as she did not tell me) took bite wing xrays and a panoramic xray. Then another young girl came in (name and title unknown as she did not tell me) and proceeded to check my teeth telling me that a count over 3 was indidcative of peridontal disease. She proceeded and began calling out many numbers over 3. When she was done she told me I had peridontal disease and would need a deep cleaning / scaling procedure. Then another older woman came in (name and title unknown as she did not tell me) and gave me a paper with the pricing of this procedure which by the way was over 1200 dollars!!! She then asked me to sign this paper to which I did BUT in my writing by my name stated " this is an estimate". Then the dentist came in (without introduction) and neither confirmed nor denied a deep cleaning was needed... Then another middle aged woman called me to her office to again give me the dollars amounts! I don't know her name either... inbetween all these people attending to me other ladies were in and out of the bay area I was seated in... One young pregnant girl, another young pregnant girl... Well you get the picture... Totally chaotic! I had no ideal what was going on! Before I left totally confused and abit upset I asked for my introductory teeth whitening kit to which I was told I could not have because I needed this expensive deep cleaning BUT I was asked if I would like a bottle of spring water... Free!

The very next day I made appointments with another dentist. I did not mention my plight with Cherry Hill Dental. After the exam I was asked if I would like to make an appointment for a cleaning? I asked if it was a regular cleaning to which I was told yes. Then I told the dentist of my last dental experience where I was told I had peridontal disease and might I add I was also told if left untreated I would suffer heart disease by the young girl at Cherry Hill, anyway this dentist told me I did not have peridontal disease and then told me the symptoms. He then asked his hygenist to check me over again which she did. She did the same thing the girl at Cherry Hill did ONLY it did not hurt! I asked her why and she said it was most likely because the other girl had poked the instrument into my gum line too far. She concurred that I did not have peridontal disease. One area in the back upper molar registered a 4, she said a good clesning would resolve this.

Overall my experince at Cherry Hill was negative. I had a 2:30 PM appt and got out of there at 4:52 PM having not a thing done to my teeth. The office was chaotic, the staff did not introduce themselves, the diagnosis was inaccurate, I did not receive the free advertised teeth whitening, the prices way to high! I feel one is paying for the beverage bar and flat screens in ecah bay my opinion they stink and I would not recccomend this dental service to anyone.

Company: Cherry Hill Dental Associates, INC
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: Columbia
Address: 2012 Cherry Hill Drive, Suite 101
Phone: 5734460880
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