Dazzle White, Dazzle White Pro, Clean Whites
Freshclean false advertisement

Health & Medicine

Do not believe what you read in the internet. This people are monsters. I dont know how can they get away ripping off people. They first make it sound too good to be true, but then a few days after; they start charging your back account like crazy. At the end, you end up closing your bank account for this terrible people to continue making unauthorize charges to your account. All I can say is "KARMA"... One day, the way these guys rip off people, it will happen to them worst. DO NOT let these product fools you. Everything is soooooo fake. The product itself sucks because it does not work at all. As a matter of fact, it will stains your teeth!!!

Company: Dazzle White, Dazzle White Pro, Clean Whites
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Address: 300 NE 62nd street
Phone: 8887274445
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Dazzle White
Clean Whites, ElitePack, Ultifreshwell, EZyKit Dazzle White and DW Pro and Dazzle Smile are all internet scams to hide sales of unwanted items in your credit card

Dazzle White Clean White
Bait and Hook

Clean Whites and Dazzle White
Falsely advertised a free no risk trial

Dazzle White, Dazzle White Pro, Clean Whites
Dazzle smile clean whites' a rip off and will not return your money let alone your phone call

Axis Wellness
Unauthorized charges

Dazzel White

Dazzle White Pro/dazzle White Max
Whiter teeth, sample tube, pay shipping, large automatic monthly charges

Dazzle White

Dazzle smile
Bright Smile, Bright White Dazzle Smile "free samples" aren't free, so watch your credit card and answer the phone when your credit cards' fraud department calls. It's a rip-off!

Dazzle White
Dazzle White SCAM - SCAM -SCAM