Wi yu tes
This company charge my check card every month while I just bought only one time a package from them. They keep charge my card 10 dollars every month. Since March they use different name every time they are taking money from your account

Health & Medicine

The compagny that call wu yi tea advertize some diet tea then I bought one parkage from them. Since this time they charging every month my account about 10 dollars each month since March. When I called them they told me that I bought membership which I didn't notice when I was buying their product.in fact I need those people stop stealing other people. The way they are using to charge your card is very confusing. Every time when you receive your monthly statement from the bank. They used different name.

Company: Wi yu tes
Country: USA
Site: www.officialwuyitea.com
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They have taken 33.00 dollars a month out of my bank account since march to more than 800.00 dollar loss

Bank of America
Would not let me close my account and kept charging me invalid fees in an account I closed already

Work Out World
Stay away stealing money with hidden fees - Work Out World

AOL Travelers Advantage, Trilegiant Corporation
Trilegiant Corporation Charged my Credit Card 7 months after I cancelled the membership: I never did get my $40 gas card

Merrick Bank - Visa
Fraudulent New Fee

Consumer Report

Ic *freeshipping.com
Appears on my bank statement as a debit card transaction as: CHARGING MY BANK ACCT AT LEAST ON A MONTHLY BASIS FOR $12.97 W/O MY CONSENT

Best Buy Card Services
Best Buy Retail Card Services charge account, charging fees, wrong due date based on their cycle time. Ripoff

Massage Envy
Contract Terms

Easy Check 4 Me, US Grant Club, Grants For Me, My Grant Dollars
Unauthorized charges to my credit card using a different name every month, after cancelling with the initial contact - grantsforme.com Grantsforme.com grantsforme.com