Ionline Celebrity Sexy Teeth Whitener - WellnessWatchersMD
They charged my debit card $51.98. The ad stated only 1.99 S&H... Free sample Denve

Health & Medicine is a big time scam! They offered a free tube of whitening tooth paste for $1.99 S&H. My card was charged $52.98.
Also, auto purchase will kick in if you do not cancel the feature to the tune of $99.99 every 90 days. And all of this trickery is embedded in their terms etc. Which is contrary to what the deceptive ad states. I will never buy online again! My rent check will now bounce because of these bozos with fees galore! I am so glad I found out soon after the purchase so I can return this stuff hoping for a refund.

Company: Ionline Celebrity Sexy Teeth Whitener - WellnessWatchersMD
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Denver
  <     >  


Ionline Celebrity Sexy Teeth Whitener - WellnessWatchersMD
Ionlinecart Celebrity Sexy Teeth Whitener - WellnessWatchersMD I ordered Celebrity teeth whitener with $50 rebate from wellness watchersMD. Did not get product & credit card being billed 29.95 monthly for Wellnesswatchersmd I am not getting

Ionline - wellness Watchers Md
Celebrity Sexy Teeth Whitene

Celebrity Sexy White Teeth
Try this address denve

Welliness Watchers MD And Ionline
Welliness Watchers MD I order celebrity sexy teeth whitener and filled out all of the infromation to order. It then said

WellnessWatchersMD, Celebrity Sexy Teeth Whitener
WellnessWatchersMD Rip-Off Celebrity Sexy Teeth Whitener Rip-Off. $49.99 plus $29.99 / Mo. For nothing

Celebrity Sexy Teeth
Initial Order & Unable to Cancel Subsequent Orders
Rip off artists celebrity teeth whitener advertised free than charged 99.99

Celebrity sexy teeth
No rebates or refunds as promised - celebrity sexy teeth

IOnline Orders
They're called 'ionline oreder'... I 'orda' smack the crap out of them 'they just charge and re-charge and re-charge. Bunch of crooks

WelnessWathchersMD, Bait and switch