WellnessWatchersMD, ionline.com
WelnessWathchersMD, ionline.com Bait and switch

Health & Medicine

On Feb 3rd, I was searching online for an inexpensive tooth whitener and was led to a link called Celebrity Sexy Teeth (in hindsight, the daft name alone should have tipped me off...), which offered to send a sample of the item for a $ 4.95 shipping and handling charge. As soon as my credit card info was captured, all at once I was taken to a page that informrd me that I was going to be charged $54.95 and get some kind of mail in rebate.

Outraged, I promptly contacted my card company, who told me to contact the merchant. The phone number on the site got me to a chap who claimed to be merely the website administrator. Further calls got me to a series of recorded messages.

My card company said that "it would be taken care of". Yup. A letter from the fraud dept. And a fax back from me and a few weeks later, the card company rebilled me for the transaction - twice.in addition, the WellnessWatchers lads were allowed to charge me another $99.99.

I have been calling Capital One right from the get-go and they seem unwilling to lose the chance to earn the money and interest they are earning on these charges, asking me to produce documents that I simply do not posess. Since I am not in the forgery business, I am unable to create invoices which I was not tendered but which Capital One continues to demand if I want the charges reversed.

Between WellnessWatchersMD and Capital One, I am deeply disgusted. The entire point of lodging a complaint with your card company is to have them prevent an unscrupulous company from preying upon their customers. I have informed the agents of Capital One that I am going to close my account at the end of this week if they are unable to sort this out to my satisfaction and, folks, I am as serious as Hepatitis B about this. This should not happen to someone who has made every good faith effort to resolve this issue.

Company: WellnessWatchersMD, ionline.com
Country: USA
Site: ionline.com
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