Planet Mobility - Michael Woods
Mobility Aids Shelby Township

Health & Medicine

I purchases a gliding standing frame from this company May 2. It is now August 1 and still have not received what I ordered. They charged my credit card $4537.00 on May 2.

I have placed more than 20 calls to this company inquiring about when I would receive my standing frame. I have spoken to many people and have spoke with Michael Woods more than 10 times.

At then end of June, he said that the standing frame was shipping on July 3rd and of course I never saw it. Everytime I speak to Michael he gives me some kind of excuse. Each time I talk to him he wants to share his disablity story and how many kids he has and that he is going through a divorce, on and on.

Last week, He finally came clean and said that they had not paid the manufacturer and that is why I had not received my standing frame. Then he called back to say he found one in his warehouse but that it was not in the original box. I told him that I thought it was some used standing frame and that I did not want him to ship it until I spoke to my wife. He said he would call me the next day. I found it very odd that all of the sudden he found one in his warehouse.

Michael never called back, but I called and left a message for him on July 30 not to ship the standing frame and that I was turning this over to my bank as a fraud case.

The next day, 2 boxes showed up on my porch. Upon opening the boxes, I discovered they had sent a standing frame. It was not the one I ordered and didn't have the gliding option or the other upgrades I paid for. Not only was it not the one I had purchased, but it was used and scratched up the box was also 3 toilet seats. You could tell this was someone elses order that they must have sent back to this company and they sent it to me knowing it was not what I ordered.

Now, I am stuck with trying to get my credit card refunded and dealing with a company that should be out of business. Jail time should be ordered for all of the people working for this company.

I only wished I had done more investigating on this company. They also operate under World Wide & Best Buy Medical Products Org.

Henrico, Virginia

Company: Planet Mobility - Michael Woods
Country: USA
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