I paid for overnight shipping on Vetsulin for my dog and it came to me HOT and a day late

Health & Medicine

I orderd twelve bottles for $347.88 on June 22 and paid for over night shipping. I received the package delivered bu UPS on the 24th. The Vetsulin was packed in a thermal bag with four Ice packs, these were melted and hot.

I called Entirely pets and told them of my problem, they apologized and said they will send me a new bottle. When I informed them that I bought twelve bottles, the changed their mind and said that they just sent them out on the 23rd of June and don't know why they were hot when I received them.

As I was talking to them on the phone I was looking at their website and checking on the order number, and there on their website is said that it left their warehouse on the 22nd also. I saved that page on my computer.

I was then told that there was nothing they could do for me, and I told them that I would not give this ruined medicine to my dog. They said it would be ok to use it. I asked them: if it's bad and my dog gets sick will they pay the bill.

They said no and hung up on me.

Company: EntirleyPets.com
Country: USA
State: California
City: Fremont
Address: 43450 Mintwood St
Phone: 8008898967
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Sends damaged product

Americasrezv.com Supervisor
I have returned a bottle of resveratrol which I'm being charged for and the company has the bottle

Strictly Health Corporation
Strictly Health Corp AKA WeightLossGuide.com is a Rip-Off - Fraudulent Shipping Practices, Poor Customer Service, and Unprofessionalism - Sarasota, Newark New Jersey, Deleware

Health Research Labs
Not Issue a Refund


Pure Saffron Slim Aka Fullfillment 1800 969-0121
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Paid for 3-day shipping on June 8th and still have not received my order on June 22nd

Wipe New
Scumers, I ordered biger bottles and got 3 OZ. I paid shipping and handling $31.96. Shipping is 7.99$

Extra "Free" Bottle not Really Free after Doubling the Shipping and Handling Charges