The Commonwealth Of Massachusetts
The corruption of massachusetts

Health & Medicine

Hi all. This is a problem i'm sure we are all facing, well those of us who aren't RICH. I'm being denied Masshealth care after I was aproved. The state claims we make to much money as we are on unemployment (my wife only), I get nothing from the state or feds, so we make next to nothing per month. They say I am going to be changed from Masshealth to Commonweath Care and I will have to pay a premium for my insurance, the problem is we can't afford any more premiums. The state will not take into account we pay rent, utillities (gas, electric, phone), cobra payments for my wife's insurance. We pay taxes out of the unemployment but keep getting told they base everything on the gross amount which is ridiculous because we only get the net amount. So now because of massachusett's stupidity we won't be able to keep me insured (oh by the way did i mention i'm a insulin dependant diabetic).

When I found out I was diabetic I almost died in the hospital (but the State of Massachusetts said to me during my call to Masshealth today "diabeties is just a minor inconvenience". I'm sorry almost dying and having to take several shots a day, every day, for the rest of my life is not just a minor inconvenience. Politicians from Mass keep getting extremely large salaries, perks and so forth, they take bribes from special interest groups (oh lets be politically correct 'campain contributions' while the rest of us starve/or go with out. I want to know when its going to end/or change, what do we have to do to get a fair shake? When is Deval Patrick and his cronies going to concern themselves with the people who don't make huge salaries and who work every day of their life? And for what! So Deval and friends can keep getting richer. P.S. When will the State hire people who speak legible English to assist those residents looking for help.

Company: The Commonwealth Of Massachusetts
Country: USA
State: Massachusetts
City: Taunton
Address: 21 Spring St
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