Global Replica
Their scam is simplistic and effective

Beauty & Appearance

What they do is take your order for COD. Most places will not allow you to open the package until it is paid for.

They send you the wrong or defective watch, mine had no second hand. You call and tell them of the problem and they are very nice. They tell you how this almost never happens and assures you that if you return it the will send a new one right out.

They now have your money and merchandise and your calls will go unanswered.

Notice how you can't leave feedback on their site only read it? My wife was taken for $840.00. Despicable lot they are.

Company: Global Replica
Country: USA
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Global Replica
Global replica is a scam new york new york

Global Replica
Nothing but a bait & switch scam!

Global Replica
Ripoff cursing can't reach hangs up when I try to get satisfaction

Global Replica
Global replica Ripped me off! I ordered, they sent, I paid COD, wrong watch, I sent back and NOTHING

GLOBAL REPLICA - Mr Dan Thomas Sent a broken watch and cheated me out of my money Ripoff New York
Replica Watches Global Replica Rolex Breitling Fake

Global Replica
I’ve been scammed too

Global Replica
Scam artists! Sent wrong watch, no customer service! 100% scam!

Global Replica
Wrong watch no customer service. Total Scam New York

Global Replica - Steven Cooper
Water proof sport watch - Big Scam and Rip-Off!