RESVER XP Gimmick BUYER BEWARE: NOT FREE except for shipping

Health & Medicine

Buyer please read carefully of buying this product: ResVer XP. It is not free. Read everything carefully before purchasing. You think you will pay ONLY $3.97 in shipping. Your credit card will by charged after 21 days for $79.90 for 2 bottles (a 2 month supply). So right off the bat, you are receiving a 2 month supply rather than a 21 day supply. After 30 days, you cannot receive a refund of the $79.90 — but an exchange for another product from The company, NUTRALANE, is ONLY offering a 21 day trial-FREE period of the product: ResVerXP. PLEASE, Beware. ResVerXP is NOT FREE. You will fall into a trap. It is NOT FREE after 21 days. The advertising is very misleading. DON'T be the buyer who thinks they are getting SOMETHING FREE. Again, it is NOT FREE and after 30 DAYS, there is NO REFUND. Just credit to buy another one of their products that you may not be at all interested in. Suck you in advertising that feels like a SCAM.

Company: Nutralane
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Arvado
Address: 6452 6th St
Phone: 8005954670
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False advertising

Nutra Lane/resver xp
Take money from your credit card

Free Trial Scam is NOT Free
False advertising, pay shipping and get 1 month supply free. Texas

Gns - Nutralane - Resverxp
Nutralane, gns misleading customer to believe that the product is free

Truvisage/Viamax Company
Consumer Report

Acai Berry Boom
Deceptive, Gives you free trial of product w/pd shipping, then charges your account

Consumer Report

Free is not free — company preys on teenagers, knowing they are naive about the world california

Acia Berry Maxx
Sent "free trial, only pay shipping" for product that doesn't work