Western Dental Services
The braces I recieved will now make me lose my teeth

Health & Medicine

I recieved braces from Western Dental Services (WDS) on April 1. I was told I was a perfect canidate because I was embarassed at my crooked teeth and was still young enough to correct the problem. I was elated to think that after 30 years I would have a nice smile.
Treatment seemed to be going well until a new Ortodontist in October informed me that the roots of my upper two front teeth were going to fall out. At the time I was pregnant and the Doctor requested that I stop treatment until after the birth of my child and then to go to my General Dentist for x-rays and to find out my options as far as getting dental implants or a partial plate. I was floored. The thought of loosing my teeth was devestating.
After the birth of my child, I did what was requested. My general dentist refused to do any treatment or x-rays because of liabilty reasons. I filed grievance upon grievance requesting that WDS reimburse me for the monies I paid into my contract, to terminate the remaining balance, and to pay for the dental implants that I need. It does not seem fair that I have to live with partial plates for the rest of my adult life. WDS, of course, would not comply. The only thing they offered was to cease y monthly payments for six months.
I have filed compliants with the California Dental Board and the BBB.
The BBB could not help because WDS said that I had to pay $130.00 to release my records to the BBB. The BBB told me that that was not necessary because they mediate and not investigate so there was nothing further they could assist me with.
I have contacted several attorney's and it is still in the works but not looking very promising. If nothing comes through I will file a small claims suit. As of now, I still have my braces on and they are the only thing holding my teeth in place. If I were to remove the brackets my teeth would come out with them and if I were to get a mold done for the partials or implants the suction of the mold would also pull my teeth out. Upon putting braces on I had to have two teeth on each of my upper sides pulled to reduce the crowding. Now that I cannot have my braces thightned I have two huge gaps and even if I could recieve partials for the time being, they would not fit properly due to the gaps. So now I am stuck with having braces on that are doing nothing for me.
I would highly discourage anyone from going to WDS for any kind of dental services. The staff of the corporate office and the actual dental office are rude and the treatment received is unsatisfactory to say the least. I recently relocated from California to Missouri so WDS feels that I can no longer go after them due to jurisdiction reasons but I pla on doing what ever it takes to regain what I have lost, including my dignity.
If anyone can help with the names of Attorney's or any other ideas that would aid me in this process would be greatly appreciated.

Company: Western Dental Services
Country: USA
State: California
City: Redlands
Address: Redlands Blvd
Phone: 9098018151
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