Optimum Health Resource Laboratories, Inc
Did not deliver any lab results after full payment for services, or return calls/e-mails

Health & Medicine

I prepaid $379.00 for lab services related to allergy testing on 11/26 and then sent in the testing kit blood sample to them on 12/26/08 with delivery confirmation that they received it on 12/29/08.
No results or any communication was received from them since then, even after many calls and e-mails asking about the status of my test resluts. I asked for my money back but again no communication was received from them.
I don't know how to get my money back when they do not communicate with me and are on the opposite coast from me. Can you help?

My payment through Pay-pal went to "Immune Technologies Center, Inc.", and the Laboratory name is "Optimum Health Resource Laboratories, Inc."

Company: Optimum Health Resource Laboratories, Inc
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Dania
Address: 419 South Federal Highway
Phone: 9549268020
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BETTER CONTROL OF HEALTH, USA Allergies, Immune Technologies Center, Optimum Health Resource Lab
Better Control of Health [BCH] Optimum Health Resource Laboratories, Inc. Did not deliver any lab results after full payment for services, or return calls/e-mails Dania Florida

Better Control Of Health
SA Allergies, Immune Technologies Center, Optimum Health Resource Lab Allergy USA, Immune Technologies Center, Optimum Health Resource Laboratories - Miami Florida ELISA test, allergies, food allergies

BETTER CONTROL OF HEALTH, USA Allergies, Immune Technologies Center, Optimum Health Resource Lab
Allergy USA, Immune Technologies Center, Optimum Health Resource Laboratories, ELISA test - IgG & IgA Food Allergy test kits, many promises, but no results

Optimum Health Resource Laboratories, First Class Health Solutions, Immune Technolgies Center
Optimum health resource laboratories, first class health solutions, immune technolgies center no results after 6 weeks and difficult getting a live person

BETTER CONTROL OF HEALTH, USA Allergies, Immune Technologies Center, Optimum Health Resource Lab
BETTER CONTROL OF HEALTH Take your money but don't provide customer service or product and Marketing under several names including USA Allergies, Immune Technologies Center, Optimum Health Resource Lab, First Class Health Solutions

BETTER CONTROL OF HEALTH, USA Allergies, Immune Technologies Center, Optimum Health Resource Lab
Optimum Health Resources, BCH ELISA test scammers

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Optimum Health Institute Rocks

BETTER CONTROL OF HEALTH, USA Allergies, Immune Technologies Center, Optimum Health Resource Lab
Immune Technologies Centertakes your money and disappears!

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