Fit Factory,
Scam. Over charged credit card. Poor customer service

Health & Medicine

In Dec. Of 2008 I ordered acai berry sample for $4.95, which was supposed to be 1 month's supply. They charged me $44.95. I called for return information and received a number for returning. I wrote the number on the envelope and returned the product unopened. I kept getting telemarketing calls about various items (schooling, new businesses, etc). I repeatedly told them to remove me from their lists and stated that I never requested their information as they falsely claimed.

I was refunded $33.92 of my original cost. I have been charged twice since then for the amount of $29.95. I somehow overlooked the first time, but not this one. I called and received some script about how I had signed up for some Fit Factory membership when I ordered my free sample. I denied this and request a full refund. She said I could only get a partial refund for Feb. I was adamant about my full refund so she said she was transferring me to her supervisor. I was unceremoniously cut off. I am contacting my bank in the morning and will get some satisfaction there.

Buyer beware!

Company: Fit Factory,
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Phone: 8009576988
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Fit Factory
Unauthorized charges

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Acai Berry Power 500/ top3acaiTop 3 Acai / Charged $29.95 for Acai Berry Power 500 never received product, can't get a refund. Las Vegas Nevada

Fit Factory
Fraudulent Charges

Fit Factory
Unauthorized credit card charge

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Fit Factory
Unauthorized Charges

Acai Berry

Fit Factory
Unauthorized charges

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