Trusted Natural Products
Despicable retailer preying on vulnerable people who are already anxious about their health

Health & Medicine

Just wanted others to realize that contrary to their company name; they are not to be trusted.

They are preying on the very people most likely to have a low esteem of themselves due to the fact that they are concerned about their health and appearance.

I tried phoning, from the U.K. But got an answer phone for my troubles. I left a message but as you've guessed, they didn't return my call.

Emails keep getting returned as not successfully sent and even though I've tried several different options; to contact them; everything seems to fail.

As others have noted, they were quick to take my money, sent one email advising me when to expect my package but have been unobtainable since.

Be very wary!

Or better still boycott this untrustworthy company!

United Kingdom

Company: Trusted Natural Products
Country: USA
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Health Basics
I tried to call to return products, no one answered. No return info in package. Finally someone answered and refused to take back product." Too late". Poor website, bad communications, Bad service

Trusted Natural Products
Ripoff Maximum OraDR, paid got no product, out my money ripoff

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LBS Health Options
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