Ann J. Peters, MD, MD Longevity
Ann J. Peters, MD, MD Longevity Overcharges For Services & Products

Health & Medicine

I'm sure Ann J. Peters, MD is a very capable doctor. However, she does overcharge for her services. Please note, many doctors (and specialists) who believe they provide an above and beyond standard of care may charge more for their services and that's fine. This is not the case with Dr. Peters, she overcharges for services.

I was looking for a hormone replacement specialist to guide me through menopause. Had I researched her (who would have thought to do that with an MD?), I would have not gone to her. There are other excellent MD's who provide the same care with substantially lower fees.

Prescriptions are ordered through an out of town compounding pharmacy by her, not the patient. A pricing example: Testosterone - Dr. Peters' price $76.50/month and my local pharmacy charges $17.75/month for the identical product. I called her pharmacy, they quoted me $37.50/month. This means she upcharges $39.00!! With my six prescriptions, she was upcharging me almost $200 per month. And that's in addition to the 6 month management fee of $1,000! She would not allow me to use a local pharmacy.

Can doctors buy prescriptions and resale to patients? What about sales tax?

The second month she was three days late in sending my prescriptions. Furthermore, she sent two additional items (anti-aging face cream) that I didn't order. I had to send them back for a refund to my credit card on file at her office.

She requires a comprehensive hormone profile done by a blood test. I very much appreciated her thoroughness! But again, you can only use the one laboratory she was contracted with. I could not use my insurance. The lab would bill her and she would bill me. I tried to find the pricing differental but could not. I'm sure she was upcharging on the bloodwork.

The third month she billed me for bloodwork BEFORE she sent the paperwork to me to have it done! That's when I cancelled our relationship and requested my $1,000 six month fee returned. She did return my money.

Lastly, her website says she will provide a "diagnostic report" for you to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. My insurance company would not accept it and, therefore, I was not reimbursed!

Again, I'm sure Dr. Peters is a very capable doctor. She just charges too much.

Thankfully I have found an excellent MD who is a hormone specialist and works with bio-identical hormones.

Company: Ann J. Peters, MD, MD Longevity
Country: USA
State: California
City: Gold River
Address: 2377 Gold Meadow Way
Phone: 9166311536
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