Bottom Line Books
Unique Ripoff

Health & Medicine

I received unsolicited book from Bottom Line Books which I am not interested and received a bill for $47.94. They did it to other people too. I seached the internet to find there phone number or web site to reach them, but did not find any, instead I found this link and learned about the Ripoff.

Company: Bottom Line Books
Country: USA
State: Iowa
City: Des Moines
Address: PO. Box 11014
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Bottom Line Books
Unsolicited books

Bottom Line Books
Mailed me some books that I hadn't ordered, with a bill for $47.94 Des Moines Iowa

Boardroom Inc Dba Bottom Line Books
Boardroom Inc, Bottom Line Books Sent and billed unsolicited books

Bottom Line Books
Received books i did not order. I am now being charged $47.94

Bottom Line Books
Ripoff Sent a passdue bill payment for two months on a book I did not order or receive

Bottom Line Books
Scamming senior citizens

Bottom Line Books
Sent bill for $31.90 to me for a Bottom Line Yearbook I did not orde

Bottom Line Books
I am reporting this fraudulent company name "BOTTOM LINE BOOKS." I Am Not Sure Because I Visted Serveral Sits. Maybe Sugar Land

Bottom Line Books, Boardroom Classics
I paid Check # 5060 for $41.75 on 05/02/07—Yet Bottom Line Books Sent another bill for the same amount

Bottom Line Books
Bottom Line'Books Sent me unsolitited books and a bill for same