Luminous Brites
Requested sample of free product, paid $4.99 in postage then i was charged$88.97 that i did not authorize want my money back. Gendale, California

Health & Medicine

I am disgusted with this company, they offer a free sample of their product you only pay postage of $4.99, then they charge your account for $88.97 for something you did not agree to. Times are to hard for someone to steal your money when you live on a fixed income. I want my money back in my checking account.

Company: Luminous Brites
Country: USA
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Company offers free sample and then steals $88.97 for a teaspoon of their whitening product GLENDALE CALIFORNIA

Luminous Brites
I bought a free sample of Luminous Brites and I only needed to pay for shipping. Next thing you know they had took $88.97 dollars out of my account, without my authorization!

Revita La Peau
Consumer Report

"Free" does not mean free

Luminous Brites
I order a free sample for 4.99

Resveratrol Ultra
Advertised product free and pay only for postage and then took $87.00 out of my bank account

Luminous Brites
Luminous Brites they took $88.97 out of my acount and i dirn't aproved of it

RX Rejuvenex
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Radiant Skincare Agios Dometio
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Fysopro15621 blue ash drive
Sent for product as a free sample with postage only they have taken 140 from my account