Wtea Acai, Cleanse
Unauthorized debit transaction

Health & Medicine

SCAM-A trial for $5.95... Then a week later a charge for $88.62 and two days later, another for $78.84... Not refundable... Apparently a TRIAL had to be CANCELLED? None of the phone numbers worked, if I did get thru, the voice mail was full... OF COURSE!!! Lots of complaints I would imagine... No email address to complain. MUST BE A Crappy product if they have to scam people to get money for it.

Company: Wtea Acai, Cleanse
Country: USA
State: Florida
Address: 134 NW 16TH STREET, SUITE 1
Phone: 8663200038
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Wtea Acai, Cleanse
Scam, debited my card for charges unauthorized

Life Cleanse & Acai Elite
Fraud billing of debit card

WTEA ACAI - Intmark1-acai. ebizprogram.com Boca Raton, FL
WTEA ACAI -ACAI Berry Supreme-Intmark1-Ebizprogram Boca Raton, FL WTEA ACAI -intmark1-acai. Ebizprogram.com Boca Raton, FL BEWARE SCAM!

Great Fn
Put up a phony Amazon site then charged me at the bank - wouldn't allow me to log it out. Ripoff

Natural Acai Berry
Unauthorized charge

Colon cleanse 3000

Promise 14 day free trial but just charges you for product without 14 day trial

Supreme Distribution LLC
Acai berry and colon cleanse

Acai Berry Detox
Unauthorized charges

Colon cleanse 3000
Took Money Didnt Send Product