Western Dental

Health & Medicine

I have PPO Health Insurance and I totally regret going with Western Dental now!!! Some of the people I know said that they were cheap with braces and I didn't hear any complaints. I guess I should of done a little more research!!! The Western Dental I am complaining about has very bad dental assistants and they are not professionals at all!!! While I was lying down on the chair getting ready for the wires to be put on my teeth, the dental asst who was to put on my wires totally carelessly hit a sharp tool that flew across over my face from my right to my left, hitting my left hand and than fell on the floor. All the while she was talking to the asst right next to my left. Than when she was trying to fit my back end tooth, she was working on my left and kept on trying to get the fittings that she wheeled to my right - soooOO, she would carry that sharp tool very low and across my face, each time making me flinch with worry that she might carelessly scratch my face with her sharp tool. She was talking all the while to the dental assistant across on my right... Gosh! What an experience!!! Okay, and that is not the end of my complaint! AFter finishing with the wires, she didn't ask me if I was comfortable or if I wanted to see a mirror to check out the wires. She just told me I was done and to go to the receptionist. So i went and all the while using my tongue to feel how the wires were in my mouth. I kept on feeling bumps on the lower front tooth and the back end of the wires wouldn't let me bite down at the end. When I got home, I checked my lower tooth and there were cement on it. I called the office to make sure those cement could be brushed out... The receptionist was so rude!!! Each time I asked her a question about the wires and if the cement would come off, she would be half listening to me and half talking to someone over at the office! How * rude!!! I didn't get a straight answer. All she kept telling me was to wait a few days and if it didn't feel normal than to call in and make an emergency schedule!!! After awhile and trying to keep my cool without yelling at her, I just gave up asking my question because she kept on talking to someone else at the other end...

I am so mad at myself for turning to WEstern Dental!!! I will NEVER EVER recommend Western Dental to anyone!!! Even if the price is cheap!!! I guess you get what you pay for but in this instance, I don't think I'm getting what I'm paying for!!! I'm getting cheap service for what they're asking me and my insurance to pay them!!!

Company: Western Dental
Country: USA
Site: westerndental.com
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Western Dental
Unqualified dentist and staff at western dental what a rippoff!

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Western Dental damaged my tooth!

Western Dental
Horrible dental experience I had a tooth pulled and was ignored by the dentist when I said I wasn't num

Western Dental
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Western Dental
Incompetent dentist caused excruciating pain and suffering