Performance Health USA
Pure Acai Berry Colon Cleanse

Health & Medicine

I agreed to accept their offer of a free one week supply with no obligation other than to pay for the shipping, which was $3.79. I received the product, which I took as directed, and found it had absolutely no effect. Then I received a second bottle, and my account was charged $79.95. Never did I agree to this charge or to receiving a second bottle. And now I have to go to the post office and pay to return it. On their complaint website thy offer to let you keep the product for a nominal fee of just $20.00 I will be returning the product. I will also be going to my bank and disputing the charge. I will also be filing charges with the Post Master General because I received the product through the US Postal Services, which makes their scam Mail Fraud.

Company: Performance Health USA
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Orem
Address: PO Box 971090
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Colon XR, SFL Nutrition LLC
I received this product without requesting it, but will be expected to pay $99.95

Pure Nutrients
Unauthorized charges to my account

NUBODI - Acai Berry Colon Cleanse - Extreme Acai Berry
All Natural Cleansing Solution NUBODI - Acai Berry Colon Cleanse - Extreme Acai Berry Ordered trial of Acai Colon Cleanse for $3.95 s&h charge never received 14 day trial but $89.31 charge

Rachel Ray Acai Berry And Colon Cleanse
Acai Berry breeze and Colon Cleanse 3000 Acai Breeze and Colon Cleanse are two Rip Offs! They mislead you into trying the product for free. Far from it!

PMA llc. / Acai Berry & Colon Cleanse
Fraudulent Charges

Es Performance Life
Pure Acai Berry, Amazon Acai Unauthorized shipments and charges to my account. Colorado

Colon Cleanse 3000
Lured me into product I didn't ask for & billed me $83.95 before I even knew it

Colon Cleanse

Pure Nutrients - Nature Cleanse
No Risk Free Trial offer is effectively High Risk, no refund

Colon Cleanse
Acai berry order trial for 1.99 and. 99 did not explain if not returned in 10 days would be charged full price of both colon cleanse and acai berry of 79.62 and sent me another bottle of each charging me and 79