Chiro-Income Solutions
No Solutions only problems Took my money and ran

Health & Medicine

I signed up with a representative by the name of Steve DeDominick on September 7. I paid $5000.00 for a guaranteed 36 leads over 2 months and they said the company had a guaranteed 10 months to deliver the full amount of leads which would have been 72. It has been over a year and not one lead. I called the company twice in the past year and Natalie Hoffman told me thye were still shopping for air time as the Cicnnati market was very expensive. Since they had 10 months there was little room to argue. I pulled the contract out today and called all the phone numbers I had and every sigle one was diconnected or temporarily out of service. If anyone has an attorney or anymore information please feel free to contact me. I am giving the Rip off people authority to share my email address with anyone who is in the same boat as I am. I am calling the BBB and filing a complaint with them and will file a complaint with the attorney general and see wht can be done about getting the company closed down for good. All I have read is about how money was paid but not one lead.

Company: Chiro-Income Solutions
Country: USA
State: California
City: Covina
Address: 410 S. Grand Avenue
Phone: 6263316900
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Chiro-Income Solutions - CIS - Chiro Income Solutions
False Advertizing RipOff Scam No refunds for 100% Guarantee Do Not Use This Co

Chiro-Income Solutions
Not honor contract, also trying to make it noncancelation. All Phone # disconnected

Chiro Income Solutions
Chiro Income Solution

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Chiro Income Solutions LLC
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