Celebrity Sexy Teeth
MAJOR Teeth Whitening Scam

Health & Medicine

I ordered this product and used it religiously for 30 days and go ABSOLUTELY ZERO RESULTS, (they claim it only takes 14 days for substantial results). They pose their advertisement as an objective survey on websites but it's nothing more than a scam to peddle their utterly useless product. It comes with a "supposed" 30 day money back guarantee, but there was no return address in the package or the product... I can't possibly imagine why? DO NOT order this product! It's worthless and will do nothing for your teeth.

Company: Celebrity Sexy Teeth
Country: USA
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FCM, Iorderonline, Celebrity Teeth Whitening
FCM, IorderOnline, Celebrity Sexy Teeth Whitening Whiten Your Teeth. 30 day money back guarantee! Not

IOnline - Celebrity Sexy Teeth
False Claim of product effectiveness and false claim of money back guarantee

Celebrity Sexy Teeth Whitener
Scams me out of my money 2 times!

Celebrity Sexy Teeth Whitening
Iorderonline.com Steals your money without consent!

Celebrity sexy teeth
Don't Buy - it is a SCAM - celebrity sexy teeth

Celebrity Sexy Teeth
Super ripoff ~ not sure why today show & usa today endorses this product! Denve

Celebrity Sexy Teeth
Total scam with bogus tooth whitening product

IONLINEORDER.com - Celebrity Sexy Teeth Whitener
Celebrity Sexy Teeth Whitener whose teeth?

Celebrity Sexy White Teeth
Celebrity sexy white teeth

Klear Action - Whitening Light (Teeth Whitening System)
Don't kill your teeth with this product!