Signed up for the trial, paid the $2.95 s & h on 8/2, hit bank 8/4 & they billed me $39.95 on 8/12! 8 days later? What am I? Stupi? No way! Here's what to do, "Pissed"

Health & Medicine

Today I got home to see a box from Dentabright. It's 8/28 & I paid the $2.95 on 8/4 (8/2 realistically) whichever & I really don't remember if it was 15 or 30 days for the trial, but I was prbably going to cancel anyway. $2.95 if it doesn't work is ok with me. My dentist charged me $200 and that's cheap! But that they had the audacity & unmitagated gall to bill me 8 days later? I doooon't think so! (I didn't even know until I called my bank). It was todays box that alerted/alarmed me, as the date to cancel was on my calendar.

The bank will be crediting me back & looking into it. I've been an ebayer (or FEEBAYER) as we call it for almost 10 years, and have definately run the gamut as far as they & Paypal goes. Seen & know every trick in the book, but I am not paying over $200.00 a month to be "abused"! So, I'm questioning the banke rep, like she's someone at ebay & realized, hey. This is a bank! If they say yes, it's yes! So file, they'll send you the paper work, sign it & return it (with a free stamp, to boot!). So, happy camper get's off the phone as I am now ready to deal w / these imbeciles. I click on my conf link..."no access"... Click, click, click... NO ACCESS! I got the # from this page above your compalin. Figuring I'd get a machine, out of business, whatever, they pick up & I get the usual rep w / no command of the english language, for a change. (Hey, I hear ebay has some openings for people like you, yeah, he's probably the owner! I just went thru a whole mess w / Sun Labs (self tanner).

SO, the idiot is asking for every bit of i.D. Etc., while, knowing I had them by the proverbial - , I just wanted to bust their chops, for you, and whomever else they "tried" to scam. So, my antagonistic, threatening, fowl mouth (SWDF 56 klooks 46) starts... And trust me... I'm good. The guy didn't know what hit him. I was simply, sooo nasty, I think he was shaking. Looking dates up, knew zip, etc. The whole time, while I'm using every swear word in the book, just out of spite, as "I" am getting my money back, but for anyone else, etc. He says" Maam... We do not tolerate fowl language"... Lol... I said "Whaaat? You do not tolerate..."?"Well, I do not tolerate you "trying" to scam me nor rip me off... - hole! Again..."Maam, we do not..." and I cut him off, told him "I" was speaking & if he interrupts me once more, I shall have his - .

Now, this schmuck is silent... And i'm still tearing into him with the BBB, that my cousin is the host of one of the 3 major network morning shows (which is true) and I'll do that thing like "seven on your side, etc".. (I made this guys day, while he's nervously giggling the whole tiime, with me "what the - is so funny, you — ?" Again. "Maam, we don't tolerate..." so I simply said, fine — , then you can go - — , you - - . So, acll your bank. Or just call the above # and lie! Say you sent e mails, called numerous times & cancelled with 3 people, etc. Whatever it takes. They have no idea what's going on, like feebay... Their out for the all mighty dollar & that's all. Very siple actually. No one... Should be allowed to do this! NO ONE!

If you don't take action, you'll get nowhere. Call your bank & call them. They're open from 9-9. The 80 # above your post.

Best of luck & maybe we can get a ton of ebayers to this site, lol! I'd actually be shocked if someone DID contact me, as I trust no one anymore... Sad. And to think, our next vice president may be Meg Whitman..."who?" yup... The "President" and founder of... Ebay! Good going, McCain.
Got even in NY

Company: DentaBright
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Henderson
Address: 2850 Horizon Ridge Parkway, Suite 200
Phone: 8004190737
  <     >  


Simply Click for Profit
Works with ebay? Make money working from home, listing ebay items for companies

BellaClear Acne System
Told me i was getting the kit and i didnt have to pay anymore after the trial im broke and no place to go i was on s.S

DentaBright - Raven Media - Dentasource, LLC
Dentabright - Charged me after 7 days when website said 15 days - resulted in 2 overdraft charges from my bank

Click Bank
Ripoff played games for three months and then said I was to let for a 60 refund

Instant Paid Survey - Clickbank
After paying $34.95 to Click bank for Instant Paid Surveys, I was unable to acsess the survey list

Has caused me to go over-drawn, trying to pay a bill I didn't even owe. San Jose California

Click. More
Consumer Report
Consumer Report

Electric Money Store
Double billed me on an eBay purchase, won't refund after I returned I charged twice

Applied for 15 day free trial period of Dentabright, called company to cancel before the 15 days and phone number is not correct. My account was debited for $42.90 no product received