RHS Enterprises LLC
Official-tv-online.net Product never shipped and despite attempts to contact, no response. Official-tv-online.net

Health & Medicine

I wish I had checked this site before I ordered from them.

I ordered detox foot pads, which never arrived.in spite of multiple attempts to call, there is no response from them. This site is a SCAM.

Company: RHS Enterprises LLC
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Site: official-tv-online.net
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Official-TV-online complete RIP-OFF! Ordered detox pads, sent money, got NOTHING! New York

Rhs Enterprises
RHS Enterprises takes your money and doesn't ship your order

Official Tv Online, Notice@ewebcart.com, www.Official-TV-Online.net
Official Tv Online, Notice@ewebcart.com, Official-TV-Online.net WELL MY 5 YR. Son is autistic and has lead pois! So i was looking for something that is safe for him i came cross this site about, the amazing foot detoxification pads

Official TV Online
They took my money and never delivered! California california

Official TV Online
Never shipped merchandise

Interested in the Foot Detoxification pads I ordered them online, expecting to recieve soon.instead I recvd. A message stating because these pads, 100% authentic, are coming from Japan expect a delay. Christina Contact person Internet

OFFICIAL T.V. ONLINE - NY Internet Technologies LLC
OFFICIAL TV ONLINE - NY Internet Technologies Stole my money

RHS Enterprises LLC
Never received 200 Pice Detox System after months of waiting and numerous phone calls

Official TV Online
I oredered an advertised product, "Detox Pads" and was charged but never received the product

Rhs Enterprises
I ordered over 100 dollars worth of products and they never shipped the products that I ordered, but took the money out of my account